What if you had a business plan for your life?  

I can help with that.

Do you remember your first business plan?

Maybe it began inked in a journal or scrawled on a whiteboard. You didn’t feel ready or sure but you allowed yourself to dream what could be possible.

Your business ideas and goals out, you backed into strategies and tactics. You bravely showed it to others, and went for it.

Maybe you achieved what you had in that journal, maybe you didn’t - the focus toward a goal powered you.  

Flash forward to now.  You are at an inflection point - considering making a change, or change is coming. 

Including work, are there areas of your life that could benefit from that business plan approach and focus?

If you are nodding your head virtually, let’s chat.

Together, we’ll work through all those “here’s why I can’t”  internal conflicts.

The goal?  A plan.  Clarity. Action. Accountability. 

“Life Business” success.

Inside of us there’s a knowing. Wisdom, A 100% certain pull towards the things we truly want for ourselves and for our lives. 

But as soon as we feel it, we start to argue with it. We’re in conflict with ourselves about whether we get to do this. Whether we’re capable. Whether we’re worthy. Whether we’re brave enough, rich enough, or free enough.

Building a life that makes you feel most alive is not for “other people.”

It’s for you.

My expert coaching and consulting is for people who want to live boldly and thrive.  

Who I am

There are two things I want anyone who’s considering working with me to know about me: 

1. Alone, I can open any jar.

2. Together, we’re gonnaThelma and Louise this shit.

This first thing is literal. I don’t know why I’ve always been able to do it. I don’t have unusual grip strength or bulging forearms. But I can get any stuck lid off of any jar…often amazing and frustrating the burlier friends and family around me. And the more I think about it, the more this is a metaphorical truth about me.

I exist to get people unstuck.

The second thing is a promise. Together, we’re gonna,”Thelma and Louise this shit” (without the fall over the cliff.) This means that I'm doing this with you. All In. I'm the one you want riding along as you make bold moves toward a freer and more fulfilling life. And when you need some practical guidance and truth-telling, you can count on me to help you get unstuck.

Professionally, I’ve spent 30+ years leading teams and growing businesses. Whether I’m building a mediation program, growing a marketing agency, or scaling a fledgling department to millions in revenue, my approach is time-tested and yields results. 

Vision, planning, structure, accountability, delegation, feedback, evaluation. Repeat.

My coaching approach was born

at the intersection of

death and conflict management. 


I’m a Death Doula.

You’ve heard of birth doulas: Experienced guides supporting women and their families emotionally and physically through their birth experience.
Death doulas are on the other end of the continuum. Compassionate and knowledgeable specialists who assist a dying person and their loved ones before, during, and after death.

I currently have the honor of accompanying people in the final days and moments of their lives in hospice care

Accompanying people as they die is an honor and leads to a visceral understanding that, at this moment today

we are alive.  

Conflict Management 

I am a mediator.

In my early 20’s I stumbled into mediation. Captivated by this transformational process, I went on to get a Masters in Conflict Resolution and became a professional mediator.

In interpersonal mediation, people come to the table full of frustration, rage, confusion and hurt. After working with me, they left with a tangible plan and a mindset of understanding, evolution, and even optimism. 

Professionally guiding people through seemingly impossible conflict has shown me

it’s always possible to reach a more fulfilling, peaceful existence on the other side.  

The Core

These core learnings from a working lifetime spent in Conflict Management and Death led me to create a Coaching & Consulting Practice that celebrates and nurtures the connection between Opportunity and Life.

Your Life Business: What It Is

A collaborative process where we’ll concretely define your vision for your ideal life, unearth the rational and emotional conflicts holding you back from pursuing it, and map an actionable plan for moving through that conflict and taking actions that make your vision real.

Get back in touch with what’s most important.
Define your vision.
Identify the rational and emotional barriers.
  • Visualization/Imagination
  • Clarity/ Focus
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Unearth and Define

    What does “thriving” mean to you?
    Gap analysis: What it will take to get from here to there.
    Identify and prioritize action steps.
    Create a timeline of key milestones
  • Prioritization
  • The next thing
  • Strategies for handling obstacles
  • Action Plan

    How do we get it flippin' done?
    Check-ins to work through internal and external conflict
    Real-time strategies for magnifying wins and overcoming barriers
  • Coaching and support.
  • Habit-building exercises
  • Ongoing Support

    What keeps the momentum going?

    A Million Reasons Why You Can’t

    And Choosing to Do it Anyway

    Coming May 1, 2024

    An interactive, direct, personal, and occasionally funny companion for when you are at an inflection point: Considering making a change in work or life, or when change is coming- like it or not.

    I wrote A Million Reasons Why You Can’t because I fundamentally believe you can do (almost) anything if you can get out of your own way.

    If my personal journey and stories help you take even one small step toward living more boldly and thriving?

    Mission accomplished.

    Here’s How We Get started

    Contact Me

    Let’s have a 30 minutes conversation and get to know one another (my treat).

    We Plan

    If it is a match, we begin an engagement. We start with taking stock, imagining and creating an action plan.

    Take Action

    Supported and accountable, you step into action and we take it week by week. Small changes that add up.



    Who’s a good match for Katrina?

    Erin CeCe, MBA,MS COO

    On the impact of Katrina’s “Something's Gotta Give: Building Your Team” Workshop

    Kory Kirby - Book Strategist

    Three months in

    Kinsey Winslow, CEO Chico Charm Staging

    Todd Sttkircher, CEO, Seekircher Steel Window Corp.

    • I have long struggled with certain aspects of running my company and Katrina listened closely through our time together, working with me and pushing me to tackle certain challenges that were all too easy to brush under the rug for years on end. I truly would not have made the advancements and overcome the many hurdles I did without her support.

    Susan Tatum

    • Katrina stepped in as a voice of reason, encouraging me to think more deeply into myself and to see things from other perspectives. She also recognized that I was emotionally in over my head and she steered me through some rough times.

      As a result, I am happily continuing to work as much as I want to, doing only the things I truly enjoy, worrying less, and having more fun.

    Martha Harrison, MPH E-Learning Developer, NYC Department of Health

    • You need a coach who brings the right balance between understanding and accepting who you are and homing in on what might be holding you back from achieving your goals or taking action to move forward. In a few sessions of working with Katrina Busselle, she fulfilled all of that and more. In Katrina, I found an ally, a guide, an insightful critic, and an exceptional coach. She observes and listens closely, helps you zero-in on barriers and challenges - be they internal or external - and helps you identify manageable next steps, while always acting as an accountability partner. Katrina has a true gift for helping you see yourself from different perspectives and for supporting you to take action, even if it sometimes feels difficult or uncomfortable. She works to "get" you, and to help you get where you need to go.

    Let’s Chat
